Welcome to Qi Gong for Healthy Immune System with Kent
How to Use These Six Modules in Your Six Week Program:
- Two routines for each week (10-12 minutes each)
- Monday / Wednesday / Friday: practice Routine A for that week’s module
- Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday: practice Routine B for that week’s module
- Add in the two bonus seated Qi Gong routines any time, for a quick and effective boost to your energy and immunity.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Bonus Qi Gong Practices for Healthy Immune System
(14 minutes) Kent starts this seated practice with some spinal enlivening movements. Flows include “Buddha Holds Up the Earth” and “The Fountain” to tonify the energy of the lungs and kidneys.
(15 minutes) Kent starts class with stretches to improve flexibility and increase circulation. Flows include “Pebble in the Pond”.